The Sweetest Moment of the Book Signing!


My cup runneth over…I don’t know any other words that better describe yesterday. It was the release celebration for my first book Threads of Grace…A Survivor’s Journey.


The last eighteen months has been an amazing journey.  It has been a roller coaster ride of every kind of emotion you can imagine. Excitement, fear, awe of God’s goodness, doubt, satisfaction, unworthiness….you name it, I have experienced it!

It has been up and down depending on the day and whether I let my own humanness rule or I chose to rely on God.  In this last week leading up to the celebration, I was bombarded with emotions!!! And I have to be honest and tell you most of them were fear and doubt.  Satan just loves to steal our joy, doesn’t he?? However, the only one stealing anything yesterday was the Lord! In fact, He stole the show!

Caleb sang and played the guitar with Sam Connor, and Avery sang a couple of times as well.  I was surrounded by people who love me and have supported me throughout this process.

I was told the line to get a book was all the way outside! How crazy is that? Only God can do something like this! I feel incredibly blessed.

A special thanks to all who came out and spent their afternoon with our family! And to the ones who weren’t able to be there…you were truly missed!! I want to share some of the pictures from yesterday because a few of these people are mentioned in the book.

This first one is my amazing mom! Isn’t she beautiful!!


This next one is of my wonderful daddy.


Below is Sandy, Rob’s sweet mom!!


This next one is of Bette Gunderson, my manager at the time I was pregnant with Leighton.


And this is the infamous Adrienne, Leighton’s nurse. ( Alexandra in the book).


And this is Alyson, my niece, all grown up! She is still that same sweet angel!


Below is a picture of Carole Nunnally….the amazing woman and dear friend who painted the picture of the breast cancer  symbol for the cover!


I hope to add more pics as I get them. Unfortunately, I did not get one with my sister!

I received so many kind words of encouragement and there were countless memorable moments, but the sweetest moment came at the end of the day.

Just as Caleb and I were making one last trip into Wrexham Hall, my 6’3″ son put his arm around my shoulder and said, “I am so proud of you mom.” I can’t begin to tell you how that made me feel!

He went on to say, “I have watched you work so hard at home, but seeing you here today was different. I realized just how hard you have worked, and I wanted to tell everyone that’s my mom.” They were the sweetest words I think I have ever heard.

I told him that’s exactly how I feel every time I hear him play the guitar or sing…actually that’s how I feel about him and Avery every time I look at them.

God is faithful and it was evident yesterday as we sold 188 books!  It was an awesome culmination to a lot of hard work and  prayer.


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7 Comments On This Topic
  1. margaret shell
    on Jun 24th at 5:59 pm


  2. Patsy Merica Hevener
    on Jun 24th at 7:57 pm

    Oh, Melody, that just brought tears to my eyes. That a young man, Caleb’s age, would say that to his Mother! I pray that you and him will experience a special bonding during your Mission trip to Africa.

    • Melody Dillard
      on Jun 25th at 12:00 pm

      Oh Patsy! You have no idea how I felt. We already have such a special relationship….I just love him so much! I am so blessed to have him and a little princess!

  3. Melissa Teets
    on Jun 25th at 3:32 am

    What an amazing day! Many lives are being blessed in so many different ways and some still coming out of the wood works…..It is definitely God’s hand with your touch! I love it when God works His wonders!

    • Melody Dillard
      on Jun 25th at 11:57 am

      I love it too Melissa! I am sending your order out today! Thank you so much!

  4. Lucy Horenstein
    on Jun 25th at 4:46 am

    It was just wonderful being there yesterday to see the Lord handiwork. My Mom and all of us had prayed so very hard for you for so long and your unborn daughter. The Lord was merciful, heard, and answered our prayers. It was seeing HIS miracles. Avery is definitely a miracle baby girl and Caleb is also a miracle as well.
    Thank you so much for inviting us. I thank the Lord for you and your family and thank HIM for answering all of our prayers.
    I pray that your book will inspire and help many.

    Hope and pray you and Caleb have a wonderful and safe trip to Africa. May the Lord use you both for the up building of HIS Kingdom.

    You both will be in our thoughts and prayers.

    • Melody Dillard
      on Jun 25th at 11:59 am

      Thank you so much Mrs. Horenstein…you are such a blessing! We love you and your husband so much. I wish we could have had more time on Sunday, but I will be seeing you at RCS this year!


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