I have been slack in keeping up with my blog lately, as I am feeling pulled in so many different directions these days. I guess it’s a good thing I don’t really have that many people counting on me to write something each day!! And to be honest, I really hadn’t planned on writing anything today, but I don’t feel this story can go untold.
It has been a challenging couple of days with my teenage son. Caleb is an amazing young man…as I have shared many times. However, he is a teenager! He is beginning to stretch ( or maybe I should say flap briskly…Lol) his wings to try and figure out who he is and where his place is as a soon to be adult. Letting him figure that out has been painful for me and many days I feel I am failing miserably.
As a Christian mother, my greatest desire for my kids is that they grow up and love the Lord with all their heart. I have been struggling to completely trust God with Caleb the last few months. I realize our role in his life is taking on a different shape, and I need to loosen my grip somewhat.
I have been wrestling with things like… Have I really been the example I needed to be in his life? Is his faith really strong enough to face the world and all that satan is going to throw at him? How much will the compromises and mistakes he is sure to make affect his life? My heart has been so heavy.
But this morning as I sat down at my computer to check my email, I found an English paper he had written still on the screen. He printed it off before rushing out the door and failed to close it out. It was titled ‘A Survivor’s Story’.
As you can probably guess, it is a story about me being diagnosed with breast cancer. Caleb was only five when I was diagnosed and I am not sure how much he really understood the seriousness of the situation. At the time, he almost seemed unaffected by it all. However his paper read very differently.
He shared about how good God is and how God took care of his mom and his little sister. He talked about my faith and how it strengthened his faith to believe that God will be there during the storms. He even shared the story about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, reinforcing that God is trustworthy and more than able to take care of our problems.
I have no idea if the teacher who is going to read this is a Christian or not, but he did a great job of witnessing to her through his writing. He closed his paper by saying, ” God wants a personal relationship with you today, it is real, and He will change your life in more ways than you can imagine.”
Caleb has not read the book I have written so everything he wrote in his paper was on his own. Reading his words was such an unexpected blessing to my heart this morning. It just goes to show that no matter how small our children may be, they ARE watching us.
I believe they actually learn more from what they see us do, than what they hear us say.
While I am honored that he chose to write about me, I am especially thankful he realizes that God is faithful… even when we don’t understand what He is doing.
Needless to say, I am writing this through tear filled eyes this morning and that is going to be my excuse for any typos you may see! LOl.
Have a blessed day!
on Sep 26th at 2:31 am
What an unexpected blessing and answered prayer for you. God is so good and when we worry about some things he goes and shows us such miracles! I so enjoy reading your posts! Have a blessed week Melody! God bless
on Sep 26th at 2:32 am
Melody what an unexpected blessing and answered prayer for you when your heart was search for some answers. God is so good and when we worry about some things he goes and shows us such miracles! I so enjoy reading your posts! Have a blessed week Melody! God bless
on Sep 26th at 2:33 am
Melody what an unexpected blessing and answered prayer for you when your heart was searching for some answers. God is so good and when we worry about some things he goes and shows us such miracles! I so enjoy reading your posts! Have a blessed week Melody! God bless
on Oct 18th at 3:34 pm
Melody, I just finished reading your book. I found myself not being able to put it down. Thank you for sharing your life for others to see God in it. It was a great blessing to read. In addition, thank you for sharing this about what your son wrote. I pray that paper will somehow plant a seed in others to see how good God truly is. God bless you and keep you in His perfect peace!
on Oct 21st at 4:08 pm
Thank you so much Tabitha, I am honored that you read my book. God is so good and I feel so blessed to be a small part of sharing His goodness with others!