God moments….what are they? I like to describe them as moments in time when God manifests Himself to you in a profound way. They are totally and completely unexplainable to the human mind. Sometimes subtle, while other times thrilling and jaw dropping. They are hard to believe, smile inducing moments.
I had a friend say once, “It’s when God does something really special for you and He even puts the whip cream and cherry on top.” I couldn’t agree more! They are by far one of the sweetest perks to having an intimate relationship with Him.
I have experienced them from time to time over the years, but not until the last 18 months have I enjoyed them on a regular basis. Why? Perhaps I wasn’t looking for them, but my best guess is because my relationship needed a little tune up. It is almost impossible to enjoy the benefits of a close intimate relationship with someone you don’t spend time with on a regular basis.
Just about a year and a half ago (out of desperation) I decided to seriously seek God and His will for my life. Jeremiah 29:13 says, “And you will seek me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart.” I began to seek Him in a way that I hadn’t in a very long time. It has changed my outlook on life, my relationships, and more importantly my walk with Him.
I see His hand every where I look these days and I have come to expect with great anticipation these God moments on an almost daily basis. The more I acknowledge and thank Him, the more He seems to send them my way. I am loving it! Sometimes I even look up toward heaven and simply say, “Really, God?”.
Join me as I share some of these precious moments with you. I would love to hear about some of yours, too.